Use of corner point geometry in reservoir simulation software

In this paper, we present a method for implementing the finite element simulation of in situ stress based on a 3d corner point grid model. In geometry, a cornerpoint grid is a tessellation of a euclidean 3d volume where the base cell has 6 faces a set of straight lines defined by their end points define the pillars of the cornerpoint grid. In some miscible applications, the smearing of the flood front, also called numerical dispersion, may be a problem. Cartesian coordinates with corner point geometry were selected for construction of the model. Dual porosity and dual permeability behaviour were chosen for better representation of the fracture system. Flow geometry is preserved for ntg, porosity, and other volumes. Eclipse black oil reservoir simulation summary powered. It will use geological, geophysical and dynamic data to fill reservoir grids with parameters that will allow users to take into account fault. Exodus reservoir simulator consists of the following suite of programs. It enables operators to simulate detailed geological features and quantify uncertainties by creating accurate production scenarios. Generalized transmissibilities for distorted grids in. The aim of gridding in reservoir simulation is to turn the geological model of the field into a discrete system on which the fluid flow equations can be solved. The worlds fastest and most robust fullphysics reservoir simulator. This is a continuation from the lesson 2, where we talked about a simple datafile for a block centred reservoir grid geometry type.

Basic 3 d eclipse flogrid reservoir modeling software offers a unique and powerful combination of reservoir engineering and geological modeling tools to address complex crossdiscipline reservoir characterization challenges and solve problems associated with accurate forecasting of. Reservoir simulation is a widely used tool for making decisions on the development of new fields, the location of infill wells, and the implementation of enhanced recovery projects. In this lesson i talk about the corner point reservoir grid geometry type. Reservoir simulation is an area of reservoir engineering in which computer models are used to predict the flow of fluids typically, oil, water, and gas through porous media under the model in the broad scientific sense of the word, they understand a real or mentally created structure that reproduces or reflects the object being studied. Spe disclaims any and all liability for your use of such content. The pillars have a lexicographical ordering that determines neighbouring pillars. Echelon stone ridge technology echelon is the fastest reservoir simulator in the, corner point geometry. Eclipse 300 solves the reservoir flow equations for compositional hydrocarbon descriptions and thermal simulation. This new simulator is designed to handle miscible gas flooding, chemical flooding, and thermal flooding processes for conventional and unconventional reservoirs. In this simulation study, the reservoir has been modeled with commercial software, eclipse. Optimal conditions for immiscible recycle gas injection.

Reservoir simulation pre and postprocessing onepetro. Reservoir simulation basics idea page of a petroleum. The company also found that cornerpoint gridding methods slowed down modeling when scarce input data was available, causing modeled horizons to display inconsistent geometry around complex fault compartments. The course emphasizes the use of the software rather than simulation methodology.

Among these flexible grids, the corner point geometry is the most used with the advantage of easy implementation in standard reservoir simulators and of cpu time gain due to regular matrix structure. A fast and accurate upscaling of transmissivities for. Rexcel is highly flexible and can handle a wide variety of scenarios. Fluid flow simulation in fractured reservoirs sudipta sarkar, m. The 3d system in a grid allows a better examination of infill well locations and watergas calculations. Corner point geometry defines cells by the locations of their corners. This method calculating upscaled transmissivities is the natural end point of any workflow devoted to the geological modeling to determine the petrophysical parameters of the field scale simulation grid. Sensor reservoir modeling software provides unparalleled. Transferringupscaling to a corner point grid cpg for flow simulation and history matching.

Corner point cells may be skewed, tilted, wedgeshaped or pinchedout altogether. In the pfdtd, predefined, a number of functions helps you to input complex dielectricmetallic structures by the repeated use of rather simple geometric structures. Among these flexible grids, the corner point geometry is the most used with the advantage of easy implementation in standard reservoir simulators and of. Complex geometries in reservoir simulation studies use cartesian or corner point structured grids. Eclipse 100 solves the black oil equations a fluid model on corner point grids. Use of corner point geometry in reservoir simulation. It is the focal point of an integrated effort of geosciences, petrophysics, reservoir, production and facilities engineering, computer science, and economics. The model is created in petrel software, and this is what will be used throughout the reservoir simulation training series. Use one of the most sophisticated tools for modelling hydraulically fractured reservoirs to accurately capture transient flow behaviour and to achieve better production forecasts. Reservoir simulate is an area of reservoir engineering modeling reservoir dynamic behaviour using 3d models generated from geology, geophysics, petrophysics, etc disciplines to predict fluid flow through porous media. Content of petrowiki is intended for personal use only and to supplement, not replace, engineering judgment. The black oil model assumes that the reservoir consists of three phases.

Once we have the governing physics, we can build the reservoir simulation model by filling up with all other detailed information, including rock properties, fluid properties, reservoir initial and boundary conditions, etc. Akhil dattagupta the use of streamline technology is becoming common for reservoir flow visualization, dynamic reservoir characterization, and optimal flood management. Reservoir simulation is used extensively to identify opportunities. Nonconventional wells are utilized to enlarge production rates and recovery in petroleum industry. Rexcel is a petroleum reservoir simulation preprocessor. Eclipse blackoil reservoir simulation software is a fully implicit, threephase, 3d, generalpurpose black oil simulator that includes several advanced and unique features. These include threephase flow, cornerpoint geometry and unstructured grids. Eclipse flogrid fundamentals summary powered by regonline. The eclipse black oil simulator is the industry standard for reservoir modeling. Finite element simulation of oil and gas reservoir in situ. Reservoir simulators internally build the geometrical configuration of the reservoir based on these geometry inputs. Special features in simulation software is needed to represent these processes. The stateoftheart reservoir simulation packages used widely in the oil industry often do not take into account the. A unique feature of streamline models is their ability to analytically compute the sensitivity of the production data with respect to reservoir parameters using a single flow simulation.

The intersect highresolution reservoir simulator solves the most challenging reservoir modeling jobs with fast and robust field development planning. The objective of this project is to develop a reservoir simulator with the capability of simulating various recovery processes under one framework. Discretization and gridding in reservoir simulation 2. Apply to petroleum engineer, subsurface development leader, researcher and more. Its unique zonal adjustment technique ensures proper mapping of the seismic property samples into the correct stratigraphic layers in the corner point grid. A model must be either corner point or blockcentred. Corner point grid geometry in reservoir simulation. The corner point grid approach has been applied to represent the complexity in geometry, hydraulic connectivity, and heterogeneity found in these static geological models. This type of grid is what you fine in a geologic or static model of an oil reservoir. Arrows represent modelling processes and the software tools used to perform the modelling. Converting heterogeneous complex geological models to. Flexible grids, such as corner point geometry, triangular grids or voronoi grids, can be used to improve the accuracy. Eclipse 100 solves the black oil equations a fluid model on cornerpoint grids. A reservoir simulation model is a distillation of a huge amount of data from many different studies.

Matlab reservoir simulation toolbox mrst mrst is an opensource toolbox that is mainly intended for rapid prototyping and demonstration of new simulation methods and modeling concepts in. New insight with highresolution reservoir simulation. Variety of grid geometry options such as corner point, conventional blockcenter, and radial. This system was designed by reservoir simulation engineers with years of experience and is designed to assist engineers when modifying. Natural fractured reservoir engineering phdg textbooks in preparation, intended to be issued during 2015. We first established a fine 3d reservoir model with corner point grids and then converted the grids into corresponding 3d finite element grid models using a grid conversion algorithm. Rexcel is easily configured to run hundreds or even thousands of realizations for uncertainty analysis. Due to the occurrence of faults, pinchouts, and eroded geological layers, corner point grids easily degenerate, which leads to model inconsistencies. Use our suite of development software solutions for an integrated asset approach to modeling the hydrocarbon pathway.

This paper describes the development of a general purpose system for pre and postprocessing reservoir simulator data. For example, the later use of input object functions will take over the overlapped region with the previously defined structures. The software was designed to assist engineers and geoscientists build and managing complex models. Applications to reservoir simulation, characterization and management srs. Contribute in the development of static earth models using commercial software for use in dynamic reservoir simulations.